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Unfair Payday Loan Charges Capped – But Remain ‘Risky’

People seeking easily accessible loans in theory will have more protection over spiralling charges on their Payday Loans from January. The Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) has announced a cap on interest and fees, default charges and a total cap that means people will not have to pay back more than double what they initially borrowed.

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Better Alternatives To Payday Loans

The fridge has packed up; the vacuum cleaner has died; your car must have new tyres – and you need to raise money, and quick. You’re fortunate to have the choice of many options, as long as you’re aware that not all ways methods of borrowing are equal. Payday Loans in particular are – rightly – having a lot of bad press at the moment, though the fact remains that everyone struggles sometime and easy access to a loan is a lifeline in some circumstances.

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